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Is Maximizing Credit Card Rewards Worth It?

Credit card rewards: are they a free lunch, a waste of time, or a bit of both? I’ve often thought about this question over the years as I signed up for different credit card reward programs and chase appealing signup bonuses. However, my thinking has changed a bit since getting my first rewards card back in 2012.

On one hand, credit card rewards are wonderful. They are basically a small discount on all of your future spending. And when you add in the signup bonuses, the value of some of these offers can exceed $1,000. But is spending the time to maximize your credit card rewards points actually worth the effort? After all, with all the time you spend chasing 10,000 points here or there, could your time be better spent elsewhere?

In this blog post I will answer these questions by examining when you should consider chasing credit card rewards, when you shouldn’t, and how to set yourself up for these great perks without taking up much of your time. Let’s begin.

When You Should Maximize Credit Card Rewards

Maximizing credit card rewards can be a worthwhile endeavor if you know what you are getting into. Unfortunately, if you do this wrong, you can end up hurting your credit score and going deep into debt. For this reason, I only recommend considering this strategy if you have meet the following criteria:

When it comes to going after credit card rewards and miles, the perks can definitely be worth it. In fact, when a Redditor ranked which side hustles worked the best, maximizing credit card rewards were in his top 3. While I don’t recommend this strategy for everyone, if you are financially disciplined, organized, not high income, have good credit, and love getting deals, then this might be right for you. 

Now that we’ve looked at when you should consider becoming a credit card rewards maximizer, let’s briefly look at when you should not chase credit card rewards.

When You Should *NOT* Maximize Credit Card Rewards

Even if you have many of the attributes listed above (i.e. you’re organized, you have great credit, etc.), there are still some scenarios where trying to maximize your credit card rewards may be the wrong move. Let’s look at those now:

While playing the credit card rewards game can be beneficial, it’s not for everyone in every circumstance. This is especially true if you are extremely busy, in financial trouble, or need to keep a high credit score.

So far I’ve examined credit card rewards only in their most extreme form. I’m talking about the people who have 10+ cards to milk every point and mile they can out of the system. But is there a better way? What if you could get most of the benefits of credit card reward programs for a fraction of the costs? Let’s look at that now.

A Better Way: The Set It and Forget It Approach

The best way to get credit card rewards is set it and forget it. Once you’ve gotten your few signup bonuses and have a great card for your most common purchase categories (e.g. dining, travel, groceries, etc.), then you can put your rewards on autopilot. As long as you are paying off your credit card balance every month, the monthly upkeep on this strategy is quite low. All you have to do is know which card to use in which situation and then not worry about it anymore. You’ve gotten most of the benefits of credit card rewards programs with a fraction of the cost.

Of course, this strategy won’t work forever. Your spending priorities may change and the annual fees on your credit cards may change as well. For example, I used to have a popular travel rewards card with a hefty fee, but as more people signed up for the card, the perks declined. I won’t tell you what card it is, but I’ll give you a hint: when the exclusive airport lounge is more crowded than the rest of the airport, you know it’s time to move on.

And that’s what I did. I downgraded to a different card and haven’t looked back. Will I sign up for more rewards cards in the future? Probably. However, for now I am trying to keep my credit score high in case I ever decide to buy a house. Until then, I will be using my set it and forget it approach to credit card rewards and focus my efforts where I can make the biggest impact. I hope you agree with me and follow suit.

Happy rewarding and thank you for reading!

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