A deep dive on Buy the Dip and why it is a subpar investment strategy.
Personal Finance
Go Big, Then Stop
On the lowest effort way to prepare for a decent retirement.
How Does a Raise Early in Your Career Affect Your Finances?
On raise size, raise timing, and how your future raise savings rate affects your finances.
How Much Do You Need to Be Financially Independent?
How to think about financial independence and figuring out how much you need to be financially free.
Should You Ever Invest in a Leveraged Index Fund?
A historical analysis of leveraged index fund investing and when it’s likely to be the most profitable.
Being Honest About Your Investment Performance
On calculating your lifetime investment returns and why absolute performance is all that matters.
The 10 Biggest Money Mistakes
On the 10 biggest money mistakes I see people make.
Let Them Vote
On momentum investing, amateur investors getting rich, and the importance of fundamentals.
10 Investing Lessons from 2020
My biggest takeaways from one of the craziest years in investment history.
Just Take the Money
On concentrated positions, hedging happiness, and the importance of some diversification.
The Best Way to Organize Your Assets
On asset location and how to organize your finances.
Rich As I Say, Not As I Do
On personal finance experts and why getting rich in theory isn’t the same as getting rich in practice.
How to Save for a Big Purchase
On the optimal way to save up for a major purchase.
The 3 Ways Tax Loss Harvesting Can Save You Money
On how you can use tax loss harvesting to save money every year.
Why Do Poor People Stay Poor?
On why poor people stay poor and the ripple effects of wealth.
The Most Important Number in Personal Finance
On the wealth discipline ratio and why it is the most important number in personal finance.
You Don’t Need Alpha
On the differences between professionals and amateurs and why beating the market is an overrated goal.
Roth 401(k) vs. 401(k): Which is the Better Option?
On deciding whether a Roth 401(k) is better than a traditional 401(k) for your retirement.
The Depth of Privilege
On the many levels of class and privilege within the United States.
How Big is the Racial Wealth Gap?
A deeper look at the racial wealth gap and economic inequality in the United States.