On defining what starts a bull market and when our latest bull market began.
Nick Maggiulli
How to Change Yourself: Pain vs. Perceived Pain
On how to change yourself and the framework to make it easier.
How Much House is Too Much?
How much house is too much? Explore the data behind homeownership in the U.S. and what’s the ideal amount of home that you should consider owning.
The Low Stability of High Income
On the fickle nature of high income and what to do about it.
Do Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street Run the World?
On my concerns (or lack thereof) of Vanguard, Blackrock, and State Street’s concentrated “ownership” of corporate America.
How Much is My Pension Worth?
On different pension types and how to accurately answer the question: How much is my pension worth?
Embrace the Uncertainty: On the Benefits of Upside Surprises
On upside surprises and why there is no great reward without great risk.
Are Demographics Destiny for the Stock Market?
How do demographics affect the stock market? Explore the complex relationship between population growth and stock returns.
Getting Paid to Not Understand It
On financial scammers and how social media platforms profit off of them.
Is Nvidia Overvalued? The $3 Trillion Question
On Nvidia’s soaring valuation, why it won’t last, and the importance of diversification.
Nothing is Certain Except Debt and Taxes
Why future taxes are likely to be higher and what to do about it.
How to Track Your Net Worth (ft. my FREE Net Worth Tracker)
On the importance of tracking your net worth and my FREE Net Worth Tracker.
What is Coast FIRE? The Ultimate Guide to Semi-Retirement
Discover Coast FIRE: the smart path to semi-retirement. Learn how to achieve financial independence sooner, work less, and enjoy life more.
How Long Can Stocks Underperform?
On the recent selloff and how long stocks have underperformed historically.
The Sustainable Path is the Only Path
Why the actions we can stick with are all that matters in the long run.
Why Lifestyle Creep is Mostly a Myth
On the exaggerated dangers of lifestyle creep and why it’s less of a problem than you think.
Don’t Take the Last Dollar
On the right way to negotiate and why being a maximizer can hurt you in the long run.
Digital Déjà Vu
On the commodification of content and how algorithms can shape our financial beliefs.
How Does Inflation Impact Retirement?
On the effects of inflation during retirement and how to fight back against higher prices.
On facing your mortality and thinking about what really matters.