On the launch of Trump’s memecoin and why value creation will beat chasing trends in the long run.
More People Buy, Number Go Up
On the crypto bull market of 2024 and how its different from prior rallies.
Why is Gold Valuable? [The Definitive Guide]
Why is gold valuable? Is there something about it’s physical properties, or is it something else that makes it the most sought after metal on Earth? My latest on why gold has value and whether you should consider adding it to your portfolio.
Fear and Loathing in Cryptoland
On FOMO in the crypto world and why decentralization and the Metaverse will change the world less than we think.
In Defense of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
On the latest technological revolution and investment craze for digital creations.
Have Fun Staying Poor
On Bitcoin extremism, hyperinflation, and why the U.S. dollar doesn’t have to fail for Bitcoin to succeed.
Why I’ve Changed My Mind on Bitcoin
On Bitcoin, why it’s here to stay, and the right way to invest in it.
When Money Dies
What are the best assets to own during a hyperinflation? The answer might surprise you.
Is Bitcoin in the Optimal Portfolio?
How owning a little Bitcoin can go a long way.
Know Thy Investing Self
Why I sold all my gold and won’t look back.
Bitcoin and the Power of Belief
Why cryptocurrencies are more similar to other risky assets than you think.