Is there a way to quickly determine if someone is a financial expert?
The Best Way to Consume Information
How to consume information in a world that is overflowing with it.
Skewed Expectations
How time affects our perception of the skew in stock performance.
The Red Queen of Investing
On the investor’s arms race and why this means that investing will never get easier.
The Seduction of Above Average
While most people will never be able to beat the stock market, this post addresses why it is possible to believe otherwise.
When Money Dies
What are the best assets to own during a hyperinflation? The answer might surprise you.
How Do You Plan For This?
In the midst of a tragedy, I get a reminder on the importance of life and the power of online communities.
Eating Your Own Cooking
The one question that is useful as a financial networking tip and reveals how I invest my own money.
Losing Dollars vs. Losing Percentages
On the difference between dollar losses and percentage losses and why direct experience is irreplaceable for you as an investor.
The Price of Admission
Some people think volatility is to be avoided. I illustrate that if you want to earn decent returns, volatility is a feature, not a bug, in stock markets.
Should You Take the Annuity or the Lump Sum?
Deciding whether to take an annuity or the lump sum can be a complex decision. I provide a clearer framework for analyzing the tradeoffs in this decision.
Are Smarter People Better Investors?
Do smarter people make better investors? In this piece I examine the data as to whether intelligence is predictive of investment success.
Being Wrong When You Get It Right
Have you ever been right about something when everyone else was wrong? This post discusses the difficulties of investing and being wrong when you are right.
The Goldilocks Zone of Personal Finance
Why do the poor and the rich have the most trouble dealing with their finances? This week I discuss the downsides of wealth and how to avoid them.
Not Efficient, But Effective
When it comes to communication, personal finances, and even war, sometimes the most efficient solution is not the most effective.
Stop the Financial Pornography!
I call out the financial media for normalizing exceptional financial circumstances.
Losing More Than a Bet
An eerie coincidence occurs the first time I ever attempt to write about my family’s history with gambling.
When Does Market Timing Work?
Though market timing is a difficult strategy to execute on, with certain conditions, timing the market can be a successful strategy.
The Errors That I Don’t See
Becoming a purveyor of signal in a world drowned by noise is the ultimate reputational asset. Find out why being accurate can give you a career edge.
The Problem With Most Financial Advice
On survivorship bias, the post hoc fallacy, and why personal finance has gotten a bit too…personal.