On meme investors, market crashes, and focusing on what actually matters.
Behavioral Finance/Psychology
Running Out of Time Before Running Out of Money
On the tradeoff between time and money and my biggest lesson learned in 2020.
We Begin Our Lives as Growth Stocks, But End Our Lives As Value Stocks
On not meeting your financial goals, relative wealth, and happiness.
What Risk Isn’t
On the different definitions of risk, what kind of risk is the most important, and what you can do about it.
Why Failed Predictions Don’t Matter
On the costs (or lack thereof) of being wrong about the future.
The Red Queen of Investing
On the investor’s arms race and why this means that investing will never get easier.
Losing Dollars vs. Losing Percentages
On the difference between dollar losses and percentage losses and why direct experience is irreplaceable for you as an investor.
Are Smarter People Better Investors?
Do smarter people make better investors? In this piece I examine the data as to whether intelligence is predictive of investment success.
Being Wrong When You Get It Right
Have you ever been right about something when everyone else was wrong? This post discusses the difficulties of investing and being wrong when you are right.
Not Efficient, But Effective
When it comes to communication, personal finances, and even war, sometimes the most efficient solution is not the most effective.
Losing More Than a Bet
An eerie coincidence occurs the first time I ever attempt to write about my family’s history with gambling.
Just One More
I have been drinking alcohol since I was 14 years old. Then I quit cold turkey. Here’s why.
We All Make Mistakes
Even the world’s best investors are not immune from making mistakes. Come find out why.
Beware the Gatekeeper
Confirmation bias is one of the most powerful human biases. A story from my personal life illustrates why.
The Price of Greed
How to think about wanting more.
Kind or Hostile
On the most important decision you can make everyday.
Expectation vs. Reality
The problem of planning and what to do about it.
4 Things Leonardo da Vinci Can Teach Us About Investing
What I learned from one of history’s greatest minds.
The McRib Effect
Why understanding causality can be so difficult.
A Change in Perspective
Re-thinking how to make investment decisions.