On understanding your financial limits.
Behavioral Finance/Psychology
Why You Don’t Know the Price Until You Sell
On abnormal markets and how to prevent forced selling.
We All Have It Now
On the democratization of information.
The Peak and The End
How event order and intensity shapes our memories.
You See What You Want To See
On confirmation bias and how to avoid it.
The Evil Hours
On financial post-traumatic stress disorder.
Easy in Theory, Difficult in Practice
On the difficulty of “buy and hold” and the importance of a financial advisor.
Be Careful What You Choose
How your preferences evolve and why it matters.
The Echo Chamber
On the power of challenging your beliefs.
The 6 Ways of Influence
On recognizing and preventing financial trickery.
Ask Yourself Why
On knowing your values and solving problems backwards.
Lies, Damned Lies, and Stories
How great storytelling can blind us from reality.
Stay on Script
On the importance of sticking to your investment plan.
It’s All Relative
On financial relativity and overcoming your biases.
Cutting the Gordian Knot
On solving the most difficult problem in finance.
The Patterns That Weren’t There
Why most signals are hard to identify and what to do about it.
When Do You Sell?
Answering the most challenging question in all of investing.
The Double-Edged Sword
Why some investment strategies can lead to both success and failure.
A Little Knowledge is Dangerous
How to deal with overconfidence in financial markets.
The War Between Fear and Evidence
On evidence-based investing and how you can profit from it.