How do demographics affect the stock market? Explore the complex relationship between population growth and stock returns.
Why Are Houses So Expensive?
On “Why are houses so expensive?” the the dynamics driving today’s soaring home prices.
What Happens if the US Defaults on its Debt?
Understand the different types of defaults, what happens if the US defaults on its debt, and how it could impact your finances.
Who Holds the Student Loan Debt?
On the student loan market and who would be most impacted by Biden’s recent policy proposal.
Will the Optimists Triumph Yet Again?
On the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, how markets can predict the future, and why cooperation is humanity’s greatest resource.
Is $1 Million Still Worth $1 Million?
On inflation, the American obsession with millionaires, and how much you need to be considered rich.
No, Millennials Aren’t Poorer Than Previous Generations
Clearing up misconceptions on Millennial wealth and who is actually struggling in the generational divide.
This Climb is Different?
Is big tech eating the stock market?
N = 1
On small sample sizes, how they lead us astray, and why the most important decisions in our lives are biased by them.
The Cognitive Aristocracy
With evidence of a growing cognitive divide in society, what should we do to mitigate this problem, if anything?
An Investment To Die For
On reverse life insurance and the regulation of controversial markets.
The Scars of the Great Recession
Visualizing the Great Recession across America.
Inequality and Justice For All
On the future of economic outcomes in the U.S.