A historical examination of epidemics and market returns.
The Biggest Lie in Personal Finance
Why cutting spending isn’t the key to financial fortune.
Why Market Timing Can Be So Appealing
On the temptation of having cash on the sidelines.
This Climb is Different?
Is big tech eating the stock market?
The Investor’s Fallacy
Why markets are never due for anything…or are they?
How Much Does Rebalancing Frequency Matter?
Another look at the complexity of rebalancing frequency.
My Best Advice to Prospective Bloggers
On rejection and the struggles of content creation.
Climbing the Wealth Ladder
On the 6 levels of wealth and why affluence increases in steps.
My Favorite Investment Writing of 2019
My favorite investment writing of 2019.
How to Spend Money
Psychological tricks for worry-free spending.
The Best Investment You Can Make
On the importance of spending time with family.
N = 1
On small sample sizes, how they lead us astray, and why the most important decisions in our lives are biased by them.
Realistic Investment Results
A more rational approach to examining historical investment returns.
The sCAPEgoat
Why valuations get more attention (and blame) than they deserve.
Escape the Fee Prison Now
When paying surrender fees can be better than staying in a high fee strategy.
Money Blinders
Why bad behavior is often overlooked for those that are highly skilled.
What’s Your Delta?
How to compare yourself to others while also accounting for luck.
Are Wealth Taxes A Good Idea?
On the pros and cons of implementing a wealth tax.
There Are No Secrets
Why there are no easy answers in investing.
The Cost of Waiting
Why it’s better to invest a lump sum conservatively now than to dollar-cost average over time.