On how quickly misinformation spreads and the best way to combat this worsening trend.
My Favorite Investment Writing of 2021
My favorite investment writing of 2021—one of the craziest years in investment history.
Escape Your Bubble
On monitoring the information that you consume and getting outside your comfort zone.
This Will Not Last
On overvalued markets and how to invest in them.
How to Invest Your Money When Inflation is High
An analysis of asset classes returns and what always beats inflation in every market environment.
The Most Important Decision in Life
On matching markets and spending time to find the right partner.
Fear and Loathing in Cryptoland
On FOMO in the crypto world and why decentralization and the Metaverse will change the world less than we think.
Risking, Fast and Slow
On the difference between fast risk and slow risk and why one is more overlooked in investing and in life.
Ignore the Price, Remember the Dividends
On the importance of dividends to your long-term investment returns.
It’s Never Too Late to Change
On profound realizations and taking a different path in life.
Are We Craving Risk or Losing Reward?
On changing investor behavior and what really drives investment decisions.
The Broken Clock
On survivorship bias in the financial industry and why failed predictions still don’t matter.
Why Buying the Dip is a Terrible Investment Strategy
A deep dive on Buy the Dip and why it is a subpar investment strategy.
Never Forget
Remembering a tragedy and on society losing its perspective.
What Really Predicts Happiness?
On relationships and optimizing social wealth over financial wealth.
Price Rules Everything Around Me
Why prices are more important than fundamentals most of the time.
Are We in a Melt-Up?
On the current market environment and whether stocks have risen too far too fast.
The Best Advantage in Life
On having rich parents and the kinds of advantages they can provide to their children.
Want to Improve Your Career? Become an Uncertainty Killer
On my favorite piece of career advice and why it can help to improve your finances.
My Investing Nightmare
On my worst case scenario for markets and how to prepare for it.