Why most signals are hard to identify and what to do about it.
7 Things I Learned From One Year of Blogging
What I learned after one full year of blogging.
My Favorite Investment Writing (and Books) of 2017
My favorite investment writing and books I read in 2017.
When Do You Sell?
Answering the most challenging question in all of investing.
The Double-Edged Sword
Why some investment strategies can lead to both success and failure.
Beyond All Expectations
When old patterns break and how to think about financial data.
There Are Many Ways to Win
Why a few simple rules are more important than specific strategies.
It’s Not About the Money
On lifestyle diversification and retirement.
A Little Knowledge is Dangerous
How to deal with overconfidence in financial markets.
The Constant Reminder
How the right decisions and compounding can lead to huge results.
The War Between Fear and Evidence
On evidence-based investing and how you can profit from it.
Is Bitcoin in the Optimal Portfolio?
How owning a little Bitcoin can go a long way.
Shaking the Hourglass
On time’s role in investing.
Losing With a Winning Hand
On the nature of underperformance, how it happens to even the best investors, and why it pays to wait.
Find What You Do
On finding your purpose and the beauty in investing.
And the Crowd Goes Wild…
On the wisdom and madness of crowds.
Know Thy Investing Self
Why I sold all my gold and won’t look back.
The Cobra Effect
The law of unintended consequences and the risk of owning bonds.
Falling Fast and Rising Slow
On the nature of equity price declines and recoveries.
Should You Buy Stocks When There is Blood in the Streets?
Why following advice during a financial panic is not as easy as it sounds.