Why we need understanding and support for others now more than ever.
Turn Off, Tune Out, Get Rich
Why ignoring financial noise is crucial for investment success.
Against the Gods
How to think about risk in your personal finances.
Wanna Get Rich? Think Fractally
On the fractal nature of compound interest.
E Pluribus Unum, Among Many…One
On the American stock market and its future.
Free Yourself from Your Investments
On the psychology of picking stocks and how to use passive investing to your advantage.
Bitcoin and the Power of Belief
Why cryptocurrencies are more similar to other risky assets than you think.
Strike While the Iron is Hot
The role of momentum and timing in the stock market.
Having Water in the Desert
A lesson from Warren Buffett on the power of liquidity.
The End is Everything
Why the timing of your investment returns matters and what to do about it.
Risk and Reward in a New Era
How investing has changed over the century and why future returns are likely to be lower.
The Unknown Unknowns of Investing
When diversification fails and how to prepare for the next crisis.
Bad Investment Results? Your Birth Year May Be to Blame
How luck influences investment success and what to do about it.
Following Your Passion is a Numbers Game
On luck and success in the creative industry.
The Early Bird Gets the Return
The real reason why investing early is important.
Fantastic Lies and How to Find Them
Detecting fraud using the mathematics behind Benford’s Law.
Just Keep Buying
On the one simple trick to make yourself rich.
Saving is For the Poor, Investing is For the Rich
The difference between saving and investing over a life cycle.
The Eye of The Storm
On my personal experience living through the worst of the U.S. housing crisis.
Your Greatest Asset is YOU
The motivation behind investing, saving, and increasing your skills.