On the latest technological revolution and investment craze for digital creations.
Why Are We Panicking Again?
On meme investors, market crashes, and focusing on what actually matters.
Being Honest About Your Investment Performance
On calculating your lifetime investment returns and why absolute performance is all that matters.
Have Fun Staying Poor
On Bitcoin extremism, hyperinflation, and why the U.S. dollar doesn’t have to fail for Bitcoin to succeed.
Respect the Base Rate
On making optimal decisions, when to expect the average outcome in life, and when not to.
The 10 Biggest Money Mistakes
On the 10 biggest money mistakes I see people make.
When They Start to Lose, They Change the Rules!
On Wall Street fixing the game and one of my favorite investment stories of all time.
Let Them Vote
On momentum investing, amateur investors getting rich, and the importance of fundamentals.
10 Investing Lessons from 2020
My biggest takeaways from one of the craziest years in investment history.
Just Take the Money
On concentrated positions, hedging happiness, and the importance of some diversification.
Why I’ve Changed My Mind on Bitcoin
On Bitcoin, why it’s here to stay, and the right way to invest in it.
Should You Buy An All-Time High?
On buying risky assets (U.S. stocks, Intl. Stocks, Bitcoin, etc.) near all-time highs.
Running Out of Time Before Running Out of Money
On the tradeoff between time and money and my biggest lesson learned in 2020.
5 Lessons From the Only 2 Stocks I’ve Ever Owned
On buying individual stocks and some lessons I learned in doing so.
The Best Way to Organize Your Assets
On asset location and how to organize your finances.
My Favorite Investment Writing of 2020
My favorite investment writing of 2020 and a few great books I read as well.
Rich As I Say, Not As I Do
On personal finance experts and why getting rich in theory isn’t the same as getting rich in practice.
We Begin Our Lives as Growth Stocks, But End Our Lives As Value Stocks
On not meeting your financial goals, relative wealth, and happiness.
How to Save for a Big Purchase
On the optimal way to save up for a major purchase.
What a Biden Presidency Means for Your Finances
On Biden’s policy proposals, their likelihood of becoming law, and what to expect out of the stock market over the next four years.