A historical review of financial and biological systems and why they have a propensity to survive despite the worst of odds.
The Money We Don’t Talk About
There are some personal finance topics that people are too afraid to discuss in public. I address some of these topics and why they are so taboo.
Just One More
I have been drinking alcohol since I was 14 years old. Then I quit cold turkey. Here’s why.
Nothing is Safe
Wealth preservation over very long periods of time is hard. I discuss the historical evidence surrounding a variety of assets and how they preserve wealth.
We All Make Mistakes
Even the world’s best investors are not immune from making mistakes. Come find out why.
Nothing Happens, Then Everything Happens
On the periodic nature of progress and destruction that occurs in both markets and in life.
No Laws, Only Tendencies
The main difference between natural and financial systems is that natural systems tend to have immutable laws, while financial systems only have tendencies.
The Easiest Retirement Choice
Retirement is one of the most complex topics in investing. This post simplifies the process to focus on what matters the most.
How to Invest a Lump Sum
When investing a lump sum of money, it is better to do it all at once than to dollar cost average into the market. Here’s why.
The Cognitive Aristocracy
With evidence of a growing cognitive divide in society, what should we do to mitigate this problem, if anything?
Even God Couldn’t Beat Dollar-Cost Averaging
A market timing strategy rarely outperforms dollar cost averaging even when that strategy knows exactly when to buy.
One Big Thing
Reducing complexity can be powerful for understanding larger systems. Come find out the importance of knowing one big thing.
Fickle Fortune
On the upsides and downsides of luck in investing and in life.
Beware the Gatekeeper
Confirmation bias is one of the most powerful human biases. A story from my personal life illustrates why.
The Price of Greed
How to think about wanting more.
The Rise After the Fall
On post-traumatic growth in life and in markets.
Kind or Hostile
On the most important decision you can make everyday.
Expectation vs. Reality
The problem of planning and what to do about it.
My Favorite Investment Writing of 2018
My favorite investment writing of 2018.
When Things Stop Working
On the persistence of stock market anomalies.