How to prepare your portfolio (and your life) for a post-AGI future.
Current Markets
Do You Need to Own International Stocks?
On U.S. outperformance and whether international stocks are still needed in your portfolio.
Nothing is Certain Except Debt and Taxes
Why future taxes are likely to be higher and what to do about it.
Digital Déjà Vu
On the commodification of content and how algorithms can shape our financial beliefs.
The Rise of the Forever Renter Class
On those who are unable or unwilling to buy a house in 2024 and what to do about it.
Whose Tax is it Anyway?
On the lengths the rich go to avoid taxes and why their strategies aren’t as crazy as they seem.
Where Michael Lewis Went Wrong
On Michael Lewis’s new book Going Infinite and why SBF was always destined to fail.
Is the U.S. Stock Market as Bad as it Seems?
On the state of the U.S. stock market and why the worst of it is probably behind us.
Should I Buy a House Now?
A deep dive on the current real estate market to answer the question: should I buy a house now?
Are We Bullish Enough?
I raise a question about our optimism for markets and the future of society.
The Age of Financial Misinformation
On how quickly misinformation spreads and the best way to combat this worsening trend.
This Will Not Last
On overvalued markets and how to invest in them.
How to Invest Your Money When Inflation is High
An analysis of asset classes returns and what always beats inflation in every market environment.
Never Forget
Remembering a tragedy and on society losing its perspective.
Price Rules Everything Around Me
Why prices are more important than fundamentals most of the time.
Is There A Better Way to Invest in Meme Stocks?
On the resurgence of the joke as investment meme cycle and whether there is a more responsible way to participate in this movement.
Two Bets for the Next Decade
Two titans of the financial industry have placed their bets for the next decade. Who do you side with?
The Craziest Market I’ve Ever Seen
On meme stocks, dogecoin, and jokes as an investment.
What a Biden Presidency Means for Your Finances
On Biden’s policy proposals, their likelihood of becoming law, and what to expect out of the stock market over the next four years.
What Does the Stock Market Do Around Election Day?
How the stock market reacts around election day and whether it matters for your portfolio.